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Microprocessors Exam Paper

CTEVT 2nd Year/ 1st Part
Subject : Microprocessors
Program : Diploma in Computer / IT Eng.

1. (a) Different between Analog & Digital computer and explain Microprocessors & microcontroller. [8]
    (b) What is addressing mode? Expalin the addressing modes in 8085 with suitable example. [8]
2. (a) Draw the neat and clean internet architecture of 8085 and explain briefly. [6+10]
3. (a) Write an assembly language program: Add two 8-bits numbers 09H and 04H and the substract with 33H and store result in memory location 2073H. [8]
    (b) Write a program to add ten numbers in consecutive momory location starting from 4081H and display the result in two output ports. [8]
4. (a) Draw the timing diagram of memory read cycle in 8085 and explain in detail. [8]
    (b) Define the Unique address decoding. Interface 8 KB ROM Memory with 8085 microprocessor. [2+6]
5. (a) What is DMA? Explain about the operating DMA in detail. [2+6]
    (b) Differentiate between maskable and non-maskable interrupt. Explain about the vectored interrupt. [4+4]
6. Write short notes on: Any Four [4x4=16]
  1.  SAP-1, SAP-2, SAP-3 computer
  2. Stack and subroutine
  3. Interfacing I/O devices
  4. 8251 USART
  5. Instruction set
  6. Von-Neumann's Architecture

1. (a) What is microprocessor? Briefly describe the stored program concept and von.Neumann's architecture. [2+6=8]
    (b) Define register. What do you understand by 3-bus architecture in 8085µ? Explain diagram. [2+6=8]
2. (a) What is machine cycle? Draw and explain the timing diagram for opcode fetch cycle of opcode fetch cycle of 8085. [2+6=8]
    (b) What is addressing mode? Explain its types with suitable example. [2+6=8]
3. (a) Specify the output and write comments for each instruction. [2+6=8]
     MVI A, 00H
     MVI B, 09H
 Label 1: MOV C, B
 Label 2: ADDB
     JNZ label 2
     DCR B
     INZ label 1
     OUTPORT 1
    (b) Write an assembly language program to perform the following task. [8]
         - Load register A with 10H and ADD 20H from it.
         - Divide the result by 2 and store the result in accumulator.
4. (a) Why do we need address decoding? Explain any one of the types of address decoding method with necessary diagram. [2+6=8]
    (b) Define interfacing devices. Interface 8 kb x 8 ROM to 8085μ. [2+6=8]
5. (a) Differentiate between maskable and non-maskable interrupt. Explain the pulled interrupt with diagram. [3+5=8]
    (b) Define instruction set. Draw the block diagram of 8251 (programmable communication interfaces) and explain it short. [2+6=8]
6. Write short notes on: Any Four [4x4=16]
  1.  Analog and digital computer
  2. Stack pointer and subroutine
  3. Flag register
  4. Internal memory structure
  5. Memory and its types
  6. Direct Memory Access (DMA)


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