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Write a program to print reverse number of given number using while loop

//Write a program to print reverse number of given number using while loop
void main()
{ int n,a,r=0;
printf("Enter any number:\n");
while(n)//run loop until n have some value
 a=n%10;//from this we get last digit
printf("Reverse = %d",r);
/*For example we input a number 123 then
a = 123%10 = 3
r = 0*10 + 3 = 3
n = 123/10 = 12

a = 12%10 = 2
r = 3*10 + 2 = 32
n = 12/10 = 1

a = 1%10 = 1
r = 32*10 + 1 = 321
n = 1/10 = 0

while n become zero while loop stop then print r=321 which is reverse of 123.*/


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